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XIX International Silage Conference 안내
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2021-10-08
첨부파일 :
International Silage Conference가 2022년 가까운 중국에서 개최됩니다.
본 학회는 주로 유럽에서 개최되었으나 아시아지역에서는 중국에서 처음으로 개최됩니다. 
사일리지 분야 관심이 많으신 분들은 참가를 고려해보시기 바랍니다.

2022년 8월 8일-12일까지 중국의 베이징에서 개최됩니다.
대락적인 일정은 2021년 12월 31일까지 : Abstract submission
                  2022년 2월 28일까지    : Notice of Acceptance
                  2022년 4월 30일까지  : Two-page paper submission   
                  2022년 6월 30일까지  : Poster   
Abstract, full paper 및 Poster에 대한 상세한 안내를 홈페이지를 참조해주세요.
관련 사이트 : http://cn.isc2021.cn/

등록비는 조기등록(2021.12.31) 일반 350$, 학생 250$ 입니다. 



It is a great pleasure to announce that the XIX International Silage Conference (ISC) will be held in Beijing, China, on August 8-12, 2022. On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to extend you a very warm welcome and cordially invite you to join this great event that is held in China and even in Asia for the first time since its first meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1970. It, therefore, gets a lot of expectations and is a valuable opportunity to exchange and discuss the advances of basic and applied silage research with delegates from all over the world.


Silage is an arising issue on international agriculture and has been developed to a wider scope than before. Nowadays, silage is not only an important fermented feed for animals but also is an efficient way of biomass preservation for bioenergy, biorefineries, and environmentally-friendly recycling of agricultural and food industry by-products. That means we are facing even more opportunities and challenges in silage production and utilization systems. The XIX International Silage Conference (XIX ISC 2022) will continue to uphold the spirit and purpose of the previous conferences by addressing the most current research progress and trends of silage science, technology and industry from worldwide with four proposed topics, i.e., (1) silage microbiology and biochemistry, (2) silage production and intelligent agriculture, (3) silage technology and management, and (4) silage utilization and animal production. To encourage the young scientists to participate in the conference, a special event of Young Scientist Symposium will be arranged at this conference, and a financial support for those young scientists from underdeveloped regions will also be provided for application.     


The conference is expected to have nearly a thousand participants from more than 40 countries. A large number of internationally and domestically well-known manufacturers in all links of silage industry will also participate in the exchange and exhibition. Once again, we cordially invite you and your colleagues to attend the conference and to learn more about Chinese culture.


We are looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues in Beijing, China in 2022!


Sincerely yours,


Prof. Fuyu Yang & Prof. Xusheng Guo