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Announcement on Change to Virtual Option of holding IGC-IRC Kenya 2021 Congress
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2021-08-08
첨부파일 :
제 24차 국제 초지학회 관련 안내입니다.

Announcement 내용 요약


1. 비대면 회의로 개최

2. 등록비 조정

  - 발표자(일반) 230$

  - 발표자(학생) 155$

  - 비 발표자 100$

 * 등록시한은 2021년 9월 30일까지

3. 기 납부 등록비 및 Tour비 환불

  - 이메일 송부 : Congress Secretariat

     (kenya2021-igc-irc@kalro.org 및 kenya2020igcirc@gmail.com)


  - 포함사항 : full name, institutional affiliation, and bank details

    (Bank Name, Bank Branch, Swift Code, and Account Number). 

메일 원문

Dear Authors,

First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to you as one of the delegates to the 2021 Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress. Due to the unavoidable circumstances based on the current worldwide situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the National Organizing Committee (NOC), in consultation with the Chairperson of Continuing Committee of the International Grassland Congress and President of Continuing Committee of the International Rangeland Congress, have over the last few months been deliberating on the mode of effectively holding the Joint Congress. Several options were explored and finally it has been decided to hold a fully virtual congress.

We know that this will come as an enormous disappointment, not only to the authors and presenters of papers, continuing committee members, exhibitors, sponsors, industry professionals, students and other categories of delegates who were planning to come to Nairobi for the physical congress, but also to the host country and African region.

This is a decision that has not been easy to make. This has been guided by the Kenyan Government’s position that all public gatherings and in-person meetings in Kenya, of whatever nature, be postponed until further notice or be converted to virtual. The NOC also took recognition in coming to this decision that several countries where potential delegates would have come from have put various restrictions or total ban to their nationals planning to travel outside their countries. 

Virtual Congress Registration fees

In view to the change to hold full virtual Congress, the delegate registration fees (in USD) have been revised downwards as follows:

Delegates Presenting Papers230
Students Presenting Papers155
All other delegates attending virtually but not making any presentations100

The registration deadline is 30th September 2021.

We will be processing refunds (for the difference) for delegates who already registered for the physical congress, and for pre-congress tours. If you already registered, please send an email to the Congress Secretariat to: kenya2021-igc-irc@kalro.org and kenya2020igcirc@gmail.com with the subject line: Joint XXIV IGC and XI IRC REGISTRATION AND TOURS REFUND, the email text should include: full name, institutional affiliation, and bank details (Bank Name, Bank Branch, Swift Code, and Account Number). Kindly note that the refunds will be the difference between the initial physical and current virtual registration fees. The payment for tours and banquet will be refunded, less the transaction charges involved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Congress Secretariat office at kenya2021-igc-irc@kalro.org and kenya2020igcirc@gmail.com.


Thank you for your interest in the Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress Kenya 2021, and for your understanding during these extraordinary times.

We will continue to send regular updates to paper authors and delegates


The Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress 2021 Secretariat Office