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IGC-IRC Congress 2021 Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2021-06-17
첨부파일 :


제 24차 IGC 개최를 위한 조직위원회에서 조기 등록과 관련한 변동상황을 알려와서 안내드립니다.

당초 6월 15일까지로 되어 있던 조기등록 마감을 8월 30일로 연장한다는 연락이 왔습니다.
참고하시기 바랍니다.
아래는 관련 메일입니다....

Dear Authors,

The National Organizing Committee, together with the International Grassland and Rangeland Organizing Committees, would like to express sincere thanks for the great interest and support you have shown towards the Joint XXIV IGC and XI IRC Congress. 

Based on the current worldwide situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and requests from delegates on the extension of the early bird registration deadline, the National Organizing Committee, in consultation with the International Continuing Committees has decided to extend the early bird registration deadline to 30th August 2021.

For more information on how to register use the following link -  https://igandircongress2021.dryfta.com/congress-online-registration 

All arrangements are progressing well towards hosting a successful congress in October 2021.


The Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress 2021 Secretariat Office 

Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
