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IGC-IRC Congress 2021 Update - Announcement to Delegates
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2021-05-04
첨부파일 :

COVID-19 관련 IGC-IRC 안내입니다.
  - 현재까지는 정상적으로 개최할 예정
  - 8월 30일까지 상황이 개선되지 않으면 비대면으로 개최
   * 조기등록은 6월15일까지로 1개월연장 되었습니다(홈페이지 참조,

Dear Authors,

Considering the current worldwide vaccination programs, the Joint IGC/IRC National Organizing Committee (NOC) is optimistic that by October, 2021, the Covid-19 situation and travel restrictions will have eased. The NOC will continue with preparations for the in-person meeting as planned for October 23rd ? 29th 2021. Authors who cannot present in-person will have their pre-recorded presentation played at the Congress and their paper will be published in the Proceedings. Registration will be required for primary oral and poster authors.

However, in the event that by August 30th 2021 the situation has not improved and there is lockdown in Nairobi, NOC will switch to a completely virtual Congress. Therefore, all authors will have pre-recorded their presentations. Guidelines of the pre-recording will be provided later.

Thematic discussion webinars will be held 2 weeks after the congress for delegates that cannot travel to Nairobi. These webinars will also follow the virtual congress if the in-person Congress is not held. The webinars will provide a summary presentation and discussion around the major themes of the Congress and will be offered at two different time zones to allow for worldwide attendance.

We will continue to send regular updates to authors.


The Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress 2021 Secretariat Office 

Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
