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Full Paper Deadline Extended - IGC-IRC Congress 2021(추가공지)
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2021-02-16
첨부파일 :
오는 10월 케냐에서 개최 예정인 국제초지학회의 안내 사항입니다.

Full paper 제출 마감은 1월 31일에서 3월19일까지로 연장한다고 알려왔습니다. 참고하십시요.
그리고 본 학회에 논문을 제출하신 회원님께서는 학회메일로 아래와 같이 접수 상황을 알려주시기 바랍니다.

주저자    소속    논문제목   발표방법(구두, 포스터)

Dear Authors,

We would just like to say thank you to everyone who has been able to submit their full papers. We are very grateful for your continued participation and we look forward to having a successful congress.

As you will recall, the deadline for authors of accepted abstracts for the Joint International Grasslands-International Rangelands Congress to submit full papers was set at 31st January 2021. As we have all seen, however, 2020 has been a stressful and unpredictable year all around the world, with many of us facing distractions and difficulties.

Based on the request of a number of authors and after careful consideration we have extended the deadline for submission of full papers to 19th March 2021.

For those of you who are concerned that you may not be able to attend the Congress, we would like assure you that all papers, after completing the review process, will be included in the Congress proceedings, regardless of whether or not you are able to attend the Congress in person.

Authors of oral presentations and poster presentations that have been accepted for the Joint XXIV International Grassland and XI International Rangeland Congress, are now expected to submit their full paper (minimum 3 pp, maximum 4 pp) by March 19th 2021.  Requirements and the template for the full papers can be found on the Congress web site at http://2021kenya-igc-irc.rangelandcongress.org/?page_id=517 

When your paper is ready for submission, follow these instructions to upload it:


  1. Log in to the conference management web site: https://igandircongress2021.dryfta.com/userlogin/register/login 
  2. Navigate to “My Abstracts”.
  3. Click on the highlighted title of your abstract.
  4. When the page loads, scroll down to “Upload full paper”.
  5. Click the “Browse” button below the heading “Upload full paper”.
  6. Find and select the document file that is your paper.
  7. Select the file, then click OK, ENTER or OPEN (depending on your system) to upload the paper.


Scroll to the bottom of the web page and click Update.


The Joint International Grassland and International Rangeland Congress 2021 Secretariat Office 

Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
